Toddler Groups

Toddlers groups, run by the church for the community

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We are an open group and welcome mums, dads, grandparents & childminders with children aged from birth to 4 years.

We provide a variety of toys and equipment to suit all ages and have a safe carpet area for babies and young children.

Our aim is to make everyone feel welcome and to provide a safe environment where the children can play and mums and other carers can relax and enjoy a chat while still being close at hand for their child, if needed.

We meet during term time on:

  • Tuesday afternoons between 1.30pm and 3.00pm
  • Thursday mornings between 10.00am and 11.30am

Tea, coffee, squash & biscuits are served and the cost per session is £1 per family.

Every year we have a photographic session (normally in October) when children can have their photograph taken by a professional photographer.

Please come and join us, you would be made most welcome.